Items We Carry
Please review our extensive catalog of items we offer. You can select a Category or Manufacturer below to filter the list.
AutoShield Duo Safety Pen NeedleManufacturer: Becton Dickenson Item # / Size: | 329515 (30G x 5mm) |
BD Oral Syringes with Tip Cap,Manufacturer: Amazon Item # / Size: | B001BBSQQC (10ml) |
Blood Collection and Infusion Set ~ Butterfly NeedleManufacturer: Becton Dickenson Item # / Size: | 367285 (25G x 0.75" Royal Blue) |
Dressing Line Changing KitManufacturer: Trinity Labs Huber Safety NeedleManufacturer: Bard Item # / Size: | BA012034NY (20G, 3/4") |
Huber Safety NeedleManufacturer: Bard Item # / Size: | BA012234NY (22G x 3/4") |
Insyte Autoguard Shield IV CathetersManufacturer: Becton Dickenson Item # / Size: | 382512 (24G x 3/4" Yellow) |
Insyte Autoguard Shield IV CathetersManufacturer: Becton Dickenson Item # / Size: | 381433 (20G x 1" Pink) |
Insyte Autoguard Shield IV CathetersManufacturer: Becton Dickenson Item # / Size: | 382523 (22G x 1" Blue) |
IV Extension Set w/ Flow Regulator, 1 Clamp, 1 NAC-Y Needle-Free Valve, Luer Lock, 23" LManufacturer: Becton Dickenson IV Starter Kit with ChloraprepManufacturer: Medline Item # / Size: | MEDYND74261 |
Luer Lock SyringeManufacturer: Dynarex Item # / Size: | 6993 (60ml) |
Luer Lock Syringe MonojectManufacturer: Cardinal HealthCare Item # / Size: | 1180300777 (3ml) |
Magellan Insulin SyringeManufacturer: Cardinal HealthCare Item # / Size: | 8881892910 (1ml 29G x 1/2") 8881892950 (1/2ml 29G x 1/2")
Magellan Insulin SyringeManufacturer: Cardinal HealthCare Item # / Size: | 8881893010 (1ml 30G x 5/16")
Magellan NeedleManufacturer: Cardinal HealthCare Item # / Size: | 8881850515 (25G x 1 1/2) |
Magellan Safety Needle and Syringe CombinationManufacturer: Cardinal HealthCare Item # / Size: | 8881833210 (3ml 22G x 1") 8881833510 (3ml 25G x 1")
Magellan Safety Needle OnlyManufacturer: Cardinal HealthCare Item # / Size: | 8881850558 (25G, 5/8") |
Magellan Tuberculin Safety SyringesManufacturer: Cardinal HealthCare Item # / Size: | 8881882712 (1ml 27G x 1/2")
Monoject 6mL Safety SyringesManufacturer: Cardinal HealthCare Item # / Size: | 8881566015 (6ml 20G x 1 1/2")
Monoject Insulin Safety SyringeManufacturer: Cardinal HealthCare Item # / Size: | 8881511110 (E100 1ml 29G x 1/2") 8881511136 (E100 1/2ml 29G x 1/2") 8881511310 (1ml 30G x 5/16") 8881511336 (1/2ml 30G x 5/16")
Monoject Tuberculin Safety SyringesManufacturer: Cardinal HealthCare Item # / Size: | 8881511201 (1ml 28G x 1/2") 8881511235 (1ml 25G x 5/8")
Needle SafetyGlide IM Hypodermic Shielding Sterile Regular Wall Type Regular Bevel Turquoise HubManufacturer: Becton Dickenson Item # / Size: | 305902 (23G x 1") |
NeoConnect at home Oral Medication Syringe, 60 mL, Enfit Tip, Without Safety, No ...Manufacturer: Avanos Oral Medication SyringeManufacturer: Cardinal HealthCare Item # / Size: | 8881903002 (3ml)
Oral Syringe with Amber Tip Cap Non-SterileManufacturer: Becton Dickenson Item # / Size: | 305207 (1ml) |
Prefilled Saline Syringe (5ml)Manufacturer: Becton Dickenson Safety Syringe Insulin RetractableManufacturer: Retractable Technologies Item # / Size: | 10211 (29G x 1/2", 1cc) |
Statlock PICC Plus Stabilization DeviceManufacturer: Bard Syringe 10cc Luer LockManufacturer: Becton Dickenson Item # / Size: | 302995 (10cc) |
Syringe BD Safety GlideManufacturer: Becton Dickenson Item # / Size: | 305905 (3ml x 23G x 1") |
Syringe Ear Wax BulbManufacturer: Amazon Item # / Size: | B001OTK6JG (2oz) |
Syringe Luer LockManufacturer: Cardinal HealthCare Item # / Size: | 8881120193 (20 ml) 8881135019 (35ml)
Syringe Luer Lock 20ml SafetyManufacturer: Becton Dickenson Item # / Size: | 302830 (20ml) |
Syringe Safety Retractable NeedleManufacturer: Retractable Technologies Item # / Size: | 10311 (3cc 23G x 1") |
Syringe Slip TipManufacturer: Becton Dickenson Item # / Size: | 309659 (1ml) |
Syringe Vanish Point TBManufacturer: Retractable Technologies Item # / Size: | 10131 (1ml x 27G x 1/2") |
Ultrasite IV Administration/Extension SetsManufacturer: B. Braun
At Maven Medical, we recognize that keeping abreast of new information and applying new technologies safely and appropriately
in practice can be a challenge for today's busy health care professionals.
Through the support of our vendors, we created Maven Academy, as we are dedicated to helping clinicians meet this challenge.