Items We Carry
Please review our extensive catalog of items we offer. You can select a Category or Manufacturer below to filter the list.
Adapter with O2 PortManufacturer: Teleflex Adaptor Cuff 22mm IDManufacturer: Teleflex Adaptor Pressure LineManufacturer: Teleflex Catheter 100% Silicone 2-Way 30ccManufacturer: Teleflex Item # / Size: | 170630240 (30cc, 24 Fr)
Catheter 100% Silicone 2-Way 5ccManufacturer: Teleflex Item # / Size: | 170605160 (5cc, 16 Fr) 170605180 (5cc, 18 Fr)
Corr-A-Flex TubingManufacturer: Teleflex Item # / Size: | 1680 (100 Foot Roll) 1680 (100 Foot Roll)
Easy Cath Self CatheterManufacturer: Teleflex Item # / Size: | EC100 (10FR) |
Easy-Cath Self Catheter Male Straight 14Fr (Intermittent)Manufacturer: Teleflex Item # / Size: | M14 (14Fr, 16") |
Leg BagManufacturer: Teleflex Item # / Size: | RU453919 (19oz w/ straps and ext. tubing) |
Lifesaver CPR Back BoardManufacturer: Teleflex Lung Liter Test BagManufacturer: Teleflex Item # / Size: | 292015 (1000ml) |
Lung Volume ExerciserManufacturer: Teleflex MMG Catheter KitManufacturer: Teleflex Item # / Size: | RLA-142-30 (14 Fr Soft) |
PureGold Tiemann Coude 2-Way Foley CatheterManufacturer: Teleflex Item # / Size: | 318316 (16FR, 30cc) |
PureGold Tiemann Coude 2-Way Foley CatheterManufacturer: Teleflex Item # / Size: | 318318 (18FR, 30cc) |
Regulator for E TankManufacturer: Teleflex Regulator Yoke InletManufacturer: Teleflex Item # / Size: | 2660 (1-15 lpm, CGA #870) |
Venturi Mask KitManufacturer: Teleflex Item # / Size: | 1098 (Adult) |
Wye Connector, UniversalManufacturer: Teleflex
At Maven Medical, we recognize that keeping abreast of new information and applying new technologies safely and appropriately
in practice can be a challenge for today's busy health care professionals.
Through the support of our vendors, we created Maven Academy, as we are dedicated to helping clinicians meet this challenge.