Items We Carry
Please review our extensive catalog of items we offer. You can select a Category or Manufacturer below to filter the list.
Acticoat Flex 7 DressingManufacturer: Smith and Nephew Item # / Size: | 20141 (4" x 5") |
Allevyn AdhesiveThin DressingManufacturer: Smith and Nephew Item # / Size: | 66020043 (3" x 3") |
Allevyn Life Foam DressingManufacturer: Smith and Nephew Item # / Size: | 66801068 (Medium 5 1/16" x 5 1/16"/12.9cm x 12.9cm (border), 3"x 3"/7.6cm x 7.6cm (pad size) |
Allevyn Life Foam DressingManufacturer: Smith and Nephew Item # / Size: | 66801067 (Small 4"x4"/10.3cm x 10.3cm (border), 2"x2"/5.1cm x 5.1cm (pad size) |
Iodoflex 10gr Cadoxemer Iodine Gel Dressing PadsManufacturer: Smith and Nephew Item # / Size: | 6602134010 (2 1/8" x 3") |
Iodosorb GelManufacturer: Smith and Nephew Item # / Size: | 6602124014 (10g) |
PICO dressing kitManufacturer: Smith and Nephew Item # / Size: | 66800954 (6"x6") |
At Maven Medical, we recognize that keeping abreast of new information and applying new technologies safely and appropriately
in practice can be a challenge for today's busy health care professionals.
Through the support of our vendors, we created Maven Academy, as we are dedicated to helping clinicians meet this challenge.